
Grécko na pokraji bankrotu

Očakávalo sa, že investície v krajinách Východnej Európy mali byť ziskové. Zatiaľ sa však ukazujú ako stráty so značnými dôsledkami.

Greece is on the brink of bankruptcy despite the fact that the global recession has yet to hit the country with its full force. Strikes are paralyzing the country and the EU is putting on the pressure. But the government is still trying to put a positive spin on things.

Greek financial institutions invested billions of euros in bank takeovers or in setting up their own branches in countries like Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia. Given that the value of the national currencies in some of those countries has fallen percentage-wise dramatically, what were originally seen as attractive investments in developing economies could well turn out to be huge losses.


zdroj: http://www.g-vision.sk/dual/geopolitika/grecko-na-pokraji-bankrotu/

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